SMME Retail Outlets
The retail outlets will be a self-contained unit that will be able to directly retail gas cylinders to the affordable market. It will contain storage for gas cylinders as well as appliances such as water heaters, cooking rings and space heaters that will be able to be retailed to customers at a discounted rate. This will allow customers to purchase the gas at their homes and eliminate the necessity of transporting bulk cylinders or using alternative fuels such as paraffin that are inherently unsafe and more costly. There is also a significant safety benefit by using gas cylinders as they will be specifically designed with a wide anti tip base and an automatic shut off valve to prevent fires which occur all to commonly with paraffin prima stoves. At present the use of paraffin prima stoves is the primary reason for shack fires that claim a multitude of lives every year. This problem will be eliminated with the use of gas cylinders.
The gas will also have a significant cost saving to the end user lowering their energy bill by up to 30%.
Each container would be a self-contained retail shop with a safe for cash, internet connection for EFT payments via ATM cards, stock control computer and storage for cylinders and gas appliances. These units would be restocked
on a daily basis via an automated stock control system.
They will each employ 4 people and as part of phase 1, two hundred and eighty units will be deployed in various locations, resulting in employment of 1 120 people and the creation of 280 businesses. This number is only for the initial phase and is set to increase exponentially once the project starts.